Defensive Tactics, Hand to HandDefense

About The Course

Train in hand to hand defensive techniques including use of edged weapons, striking, jiu jitsu, and arrest and control techniques for personal protection.

Who is the course relevant for?

The course is relevant for law enforcement officers, security and protection specialists, and citizens.

Course Schedule

We don’t follow a calendar. Classes are announced when they get scheduled.

Topics Covered

In the classroom:

Reality-based tRAINING

More Courses

LIONS Level I -
intro firearms, Intelligence, security operations

LIONS Level II -
small team tactics, cqb, close protection, reality based training scenarios

Urban and Rural Survival, Advanced Operations planning and development, Reality based training scenarios

Defensive tactics, hand to hand self defense

Intelligence and Investigations - surveillance, investigation methodology


General Questions

Comfortable clothing for rolling on mat or floor, water, protective cup (if desired), wrestling shoes (if desired, not required).

Specialized Tactical Training Programs

You want to provide security and protection to your clients and loved ones.
We bring the technology, expertise, and dedicated team to train you for it.

Lions Strategic